Atlanta Esports Alliance

Establishing metro Atlanta, Georgia USA as the global esports capital

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24 / 7 Support Line:
+ (123) 1800-567-8990
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USA, New York - 1060 Str. First Avenue 1

Read Our Recent Articles

July 18, 2023

GIRLGAMER Esports Festival Selects Atlanta for USA World Circuit, Partners With Skillshot Media & Ghost Gaming

The GIRLGAMER international festival, committed to inclusion and gender equality in esports, debuts in the United States this December, selecting Atlanta as the host city, Skillshot Media as the venue and production partner, and Ghost Gaming as the host gaming organization.

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We take care about transportation for your business.

Moovit has experience in handling the formalities and documentation required for your imports and exports. We work with all international station to guarantee that your load will safely reach without any delays.

New York

2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 United States.

The Atlanta Esports Alliance™ is a private 501(c) 6 division of the Metro Atlanta Chamber, comprised of business and community leaders in the esports ecosystem working to further metro Atlanta’s position as a global leader in the space. Its unique structure allows the Alliance to leverage the championship pedigree of the Atlanta corporate, sports, gaming and entertainment community as we bid on, win, and then manage major esport events and investment. The Alliance board includes team owners and investors, major venues and events, education systems, game publishers, hardware manufacturers, service providers and others.

"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

"My shipment was picked up and delivered with excellent service! Needless to say I am extremely satisfied with the results. Will definitely use this service again."

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“The fantastic team at Moovit freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

The Atlanta Edge

Delivered packages


Alliance Members

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas.
Counries covered


Alliance Partners

Similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et Nam libero tempore expedita distinctio.
Tons of goods


Important Metric

Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
man with boxman with box
Starter Pack
1 warehouse
Custom business rules
Real-time rate shopping
100 freight shipments / month
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Regular Pack / Popular
Multiple warehouses
Custom business rules
Assisted On-boarding
250 freight shipments / month
Buy Plan
Advanced Pack
Multiple warehouses
Carrier invoice audit
Discounted marketplace rates
Unlimited freight shipments
Buy Plan

Want to help Atlanta Esports?

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The Atlanta Edge

# 1

City for Consumer Gaming Environment

In 2019 WalletHub named Atlanta the city with the best gaming environment for consumers and players.


Game Development Studios

The state of Georgia is home to over 150 game development studios and growing. From major brands to indie titles, Georgia produces them all.


Colleges with game dev related degrees

At least 21 colleges in Georgia offer game development related degrees in addition to an esports certificate offered through the Georgia Film Academy